
rticles and essays
- Problems of the Literary Analysis of a Poetic Work on the Example of the So Called Ring Verse by J.R.R. Tolkien - Jakub Z. Lichański
The article is a polemic with the analysis of the so called Ring Verse by J.R.R. Tolkien, proposed by Izabelle Smadja in her book devoted to The Lord of the Rings. The author enumerates and discusses Smadjas analytical abuses and obvious mistakes. The most important of them are: the application of the rules usually apllied to the late Romantic verse to Tolkiens verse while the latter imitates medieval poetry; "technical" mistakes consisting in the lack of recognition of the stylictis devices and syntactic structures; and finally Isabelle Smadjas unfamiliarity with Tolkiens works and critical studies devoted to them.
- Briefly about the Polish Tolkien Fandom - Anna Dabkowska 'Nilcamiel'
This is a concise presentation of the history of Tolkien fandom in Poland from its beginnings to the present the What, Who, Where, How and When of the world of Polish Tolkienists. The author describes the beginings of an organized fandom, clubs, communities and events, as well as important Internet sites. The previous version of the article, published in the Aiglos Special Issue, had been reedited and updated.
- A Few Words on (Not Only) Gandalf - Karolina Stopa-Olszańska Melinir
Another essay in the Tolkien Characters series. Who is the Gandalf of J.R.R. Tolkiens Legendarium and is the Wizard from Peter Jacksons film a good rendition of the original character? Does the film diminish the Wizard or deprive him of his nobility? The answer is in the article.
- The Question of the "Round Arda": An Abandoned Idea, or Another Perspective on Tolkien's Legendarium - Michał Lesniewski M.L.
In this essay the author deals with the problem of the place of the "Round Arda" concept in Tolkien's legendarium. Was it just a deviation or a legitimate part of Tolkien's artificial mythology? The author tries to show that the latter is the case. According to him the "Round Arda" concept became a permanent element of Tolkien's legendarium. He argues that the problem of compatibility of the "Round Arda" with the rest of the legendarium arises from the fact that we unconsciously and mistakenly accept the published Silmarillion as Tolkien's final word on his legendarium, which is not the case. The previous version of the article, published in the Aiglos Special Issue, has been reedited and updated.
- The Question of the Fourth Element - Tadeusz A. Olszański Halbarad Dunadan
In this article the author continues his dispute with Andrzej Szyjewski, reflecting upon the essential principles constituting both the mythical world of Tolkien and the real world we live in.
- Did the Sindar Speak Sindarin? - Agnieszka Sylwanowicz Evermind HS Took
Was the Polish adjective sindariński coined in accordance with Polish word-formation rules? Is it a good translation of the original word? While translating foreign words, do we pay enough attention to their structures and the influence the latter may have on the final result of our efforts? Is is possible or desirable to find a different Polish rendition of the word sindarin? The author attempts to answer the questions, supporting her reasoning with examples.
- The Dragons of Middle-earth - Przemysław Szulc Freyr
The author presents the general characteristics of dragons in Tolkiens Legendarium, from the history of the race, through the means of reproduction, everyday life and the very nature of dragons, to the description of individual representatives of the species.
- Ents Enchantment: the Music of the Trees - Beata Zagórska-Marek
How do Ents resemble the plant biologists? Do trees have their own music and are they able to have conversations? Why did Tolkiens Ents move and react so slooowly? These questions are answered by Professor Beata Zagórska-Marek from the Institute of Plant Biology at the University of Wrocław.
anfiction and poetry
Translated by: Catherine K. Chmiel 'Kasiopea'
- Constellation - Dawn Felagund
The story of the friendship of the young and very osanwe-sensitive Caranthir and Master Rumil.
- Atar -Catherine K. Chmiel Kasiopea
In the last rays of the Sun setting over the sea a blue-bannered ship enters the harbour of Tol Eressea. The last Elves return from the exile. They are awaited by Elrond and Celebrian... and someone else.
The issue contains a comic strip, being a continuation of the series Scenes from the Lives of Lolves "Arwen the Feminist" by Izabela Kamińska 'Elenai'
And finally there is a selection of poetry by by Avari , Nifrodel and Katarzyna Włodarczyk Ankalime and Anita Weber Zair Ugru-nad. Tolkien news from Poland and beyond, and Tolkien riddles.
eviews and interviews
- Interview with prof. Christopher Garbowski -by Michał Lesniewski M.L.
- Ponies, Celts and Psychoanalysis, or Perilous Realms Indeed (review of Perilous Realms. Celtic and Norse in Tolkiens Middle-earth by Marjorie Burns) -review by Marcin Morawski Lómendil
- Smith of Wootton Major. Extended Edition (review of the book edited by Verlyn Flieger) -review by -Karolina Stopa-Olszańska Melinir
- There Is No End to a True Fairy Tale. Values and the Spirit of the Times in Middle-earth and Beyond It (review of Spiritual Values in Peter Jacksons The Lord of the Rings by Christopher Garbowski) -review by -Bożena Mitko Nellelóre
- A Book for Nobody? (review of John R.R. Tolkien by Teodoro Gomez) -review by Marek Sliwiński elfy