Autor: Avari
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rticles and essays
  • Leaf by Niggle – On Creating With Love And On The Immortality Of The Work - Janina Stasiszyn 'Míriel Mirima'

    It is the Author’s personal look at Niggle as Tolkien’s alter ego and at the same time a creator trying to realize his Vision and struggling with his limitations.

  • A Chronology Of Middle-earth, Second Age, Part I - Michał Leœniewski 'M.L.'

    We are returning to the idea of compiling chronologies of the eras of the presented world. Appendix B to The Lord of the Rings does give a chronology of the Second Age, but there are many more dates and events to be presented.

  • Noegyth Nibin – Racism In Belariand? - Magdalena Kudelska 'Geirve'

    We have little information on Petty Dwarves, who sporadically appear in The Silmarillion. M. Kudelska carefully considers all information on them found in the legendarium and her interesting and alarming conclusions mar the hitherto unblemished picture of Middle-earth.

  • Language And Myth. On Barfield’s And Tolkien’s Concept Of 'Meaning' - Karolina Stopa-Olszańska 'Melinir'

    The text discusses the influence of Owen Barfield’s idea of „meaning”, language, and myth described in Poetic Diction on Tolkien’s writing.

  • Don’t Believe Neither Editors Nor Translators, Or How I Almost Rubbed Shoulders With A Celebrity - Agnieszka Sylwanowicz 'Evermind HS Took'

    The Author tells about an inaccuracy in one of Tolkien’s letters and how thanks to Ch. Tolkien an editor’s mistake that twisted Tolkien’s thought was discovered and corrected in the Polish edition of The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien.

  • A Middle-earth Capitalist, Or A Few Words About Saruman Adam Oberski 'Adamob'

    Are we not too harsh in our criticism of Saruman? Could he be too big a character for the time and measure of Middle-earth? The Author defends one of the less liked characters of The Lord of the Rings, not trying to hide his mistakes and sins nor denying his fall, but attempting to explain his motives and reasons behind his choices.

anfiction and poetry
  • Boromir’s Letters To Faramir -Kasiopea

    The letters are on the battle with elements, i.e. on the disadvantages of being pressed to marry.

  • Cold Light Magdalena Kudelska 'Geirve'

    Two descendants of Azaghâl of Belegost are attacked by orcs, but they have an unexpected advantage – some debts reach beyond the grave.

  • Tears Unnumbered Kasiopea

    Betrayal and revenge, service and freedom – a tale of some Men of First Age who try to regain normalcy.

  • From the Archives of Michel Delving Messenger Service Zosia Stanecka 'Nasturcja Gamgee'

    Further letters, from 1484, when Éomer is getting ready for his last journey and asks Merry to come to Rohan. Merry and Pippin ride south once again – will it be the last journey for them as well?

  • There is a crossword puzzle in the issue.

    There is a selection of poetry by by Katarzyna Wojdak 'Avari' , Anna Adamczyk-Œliwińska 'Nifrodel' , Janina Stasiszyn 'Míriel Mirima', Katarzyna Staniewska 'Elring' and Marcin Morawski ‘Lomendil’. The issue ends with noteworthy events in Poland and abroad, and riddles.

eviews and interviews
  • An interview with Prof. Michael Drout - the editorial staff

  • A. Gardner (ed.), Black & White Ogre Country. The Lost Tales of Hilary Tolkien - reviewed by Tadeusz Andrzej Olszański 'Halbarad Dúnadan'

  • J. Chance (ed.), Tolkien and the Invention of Myth: A Reader - - reviewed by Anna Adamczyk-Œliwińska 'Nifrodel'

  • fan-published Other Minds, Hearts, And Hands, containing a selection of the best Polish fanfiction written over the last few years - reviewed by Andrzej Kowalski ‘Bilbo’

  • J.R.R. Tolkien, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún - reviewed by Agnieszka Sylwanowicz ‘Evermind H.S. Took’

  • A note on D.C. Kane, Arda Reconstructed. The Creation of the Published Silmarillion - reviewed by Michał Leœniewski 'M.L.'


Autor: Kasiopea
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